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                                              Andover Goes to Goch 2019

When we recently travelled to Goch in early September, we helped them celebrate a special birthday. 

Forty years ago, the “Goch Partnerschaft” twinned with a town in the Netherlands. A year later, they signed a charter with Andover and then with Redon in France, so we are rather unique in having a three way ‘twinning'

Our visit began with a trip to ‘Kloster Graefenthal’, a historic country house and park stocked with rare breed animals and birds. After a tour, we had a farmers lunch in the restaurant which also served as a farm shop,so it was a good opportunity to buy some wonderful German specialities.

One evening, we were entertained by our friends to a delicious dinner at a local hotel. There were many reminiscences and catching up with old friends and the local Burgermeister (the equivalent of the Mayor) was a guest. In his speech, made in perfect English, he emphasised the importance of maintaining our connections, despite Brexit. He hoped that our friendships would continue long into the future. In his capacity as a member, (the Mayor and Mayoress of Test Valley being Honorary Members for the duration of their year in office) Martin Hatley replied and echoed the same sentiments. He and his wife, Jo were a very welcome addition to our group. 

The rest of the time was spent on visits with our host families to local places of interest, enjoying wonderful hospitality in individual homes and as always, the time passed too quickly. 


Our links will remain strong. Earlier this year, a visit to Andover from a group of Goch students was such a success that they will back again next year and with our own Goch/Andover 40th anniversary in 2020, there will be a lot to celebrate.

Margaret Henstock

Vice Chair

Visit by Goch School to Andover

hosted by ATTA & Rookwood School

13 Feb 2018

Goch-ers and UK hosts visiting Hinton Ampner

Sep 2018

Gallery of photos of UK visit to Goch 


40th Anniversary Dinner

26 May 2017